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A Comprehensive Guide by Akoode Technology

Acquiring a website requires the correct combination of technologies, each serving an important role in the creation process. Akoode Technology boasts expertise across over 20 website development technologies, guaranteeing your website is built using only top quality tools. This comprehensive guide outlines our selection of technologies as well as their advantages and use cases so you can make an informed decision for your next web project.

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Front-End Technologies

Front-end technologies are responsible for creating and managing the design and user interface of a website. Here are some popular front-end technologies we utilize:
  • HTML: HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the widely-used markup language for creating web pages. It provides the foundation of a website and guarantees accurate formatting of text and images.
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are a stylesheet language designed to manage the presentation of HTML elements. This allows developers to craft visually appealing designs and responsive layouts with ease.
  • JavaScript: JavaScript is a programming language designed to provide interactive elements and client-side functionality on websites. It's commonly used for tasks like form validation, animations, and dynamic content updates.
  • React: React is a popular JavaScript library for creating user interfaces, especially single-page applications. It enables developers to quickly and efficiently create reusable UI components and manage the state of a web application more efficiently.
  • Angular: Angular is a platform and framework for creating client-side applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript. It features two-way data binding, dependency injection, and a modular architecture suited for large-scale projects.
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Back-End Technologies

Back-end technologies facilitate server-side operations, data storage and business logic.
Here are some popular back-end technologies we utilize:


Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine that allows developers to utilize JavaScript for server-side programming. It stands out due to its non-blocking, event-driven architecture suited for scalable applications.


PHP is a server-side scripting language that powers much of the web. It's often used for creating dynamic webpages and can even be embedded directly into HTML code.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails, commonly referred to as Rails, is a web application framework built upon the Ruby programming language. It adheres to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and prioritizes convention over configuration for rapid web application development.


Python is an incredibly versatile programming language used for many tasks, including web development. Popular web frameworks like Django and Flask enable programmers to construct robust web applications using this powerful programming language.


Java is a well-known programming language renowned for its platform independence, security and performance. It often powers large web applications through frameworks like Spring or JavaServer Faces (JSF).


Microsoft created.NET as a software framework to facilitate the building, deployment and running of applications. It supports multiple languages including C# and VB.NET and provides an integrated environment for web application development.

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Database Technologies

Databases are essential for storing, retrieving, and managing data in web applications. Here are some popular database technologies we utilize:
  • MySQL: MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that utilizes Structured Query Language (SQL). It's renowned for its performance, dependability and ease of use.
  • MongoDB: MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database that stores data in an adaptable, JSON-like format called BSON. It boasts impressive performance, horizontal scalability and ease of development - making it the ideal solution for modern web applications with large amounts of unstructured data.
  • Redis: Redis is an in-memory data structure store that can serve as a database, cache or message broker. It supports various data structures and boasts high performance - making it ideal for caching purposes as well as real-time analytics.
  • Microsoft SQL Server: Microsoft's SQL Server is a feature-packed relational database management system developed by the company. It offers comprehensive tools and capabilities for data management, security, and analytics - making it ideal for enterprise-level web applications.

Popular Content Management Systems

FContent Management Systems (CMSs) provide non-technical users with a convenient way to manage website content. We currently utilize several popular CMS platforms:
  • WordPress: WordPress is the world's most popular CMS, powering over 30% of websites worldwide. It boasts an intuitive user interface, expansive plugin ecosystem and customizable themes - making it a perfect fit for blogs, e-commerce sites and small businesses alike.
  • Drupal: Drupal is an impressive open-source CMS renowned for its flexibility, scalability and security. It can be used to construct complex websites and web applications with custom content types and advanced features.
  • Joomla: Joomla is an open-source CMS that strikes a balance between ease of use and extensibility. It supports various extensions and templates, making it suitable for various types of websites.